EWB-Purdue URGENT: Vote for EWB

Piepho, Andrew Day piepho at purdue.edu
Wed Apr 24 12:10:18 EDT 2024


Today you can help EWB win money by doing almost nothing! We are presenting at the Engineering Design EXPO, which is from 1-4pm in the armory. We need you to stop by and vote for our project! Funding awards of up to $3000 are given to projects that get the most votes. Even if you only have 2 minutes to stop by on the way to class, we need as many people as possible to put down EWB as their favorite project!

We appreciate your support.

Andrew Piepho

Purdue University Biomedical Engineering | 2026
Treasurer, Purdue Engineers Without Borders
Undergraduate Researcher, Linnes Lab
John Martinson Honors College
piepho at purdue.edu<mailto:piepho at purdue.edu> | (234) 788-7883

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