EWB-Purdue EWB-EPICS: Week Six

Sparber, Lauren Jean lsparber at purdue.edu
Tue Sep 27 23:12:05 EDT 2022

Hi everyone!

It looks like there was a slight typo: individual midsemester deliverables are due Saturday, October 8th at 11:59. Team design docs are still due this Friday. Sorry for any confusion!

Lauren Sparber

Purdue University Civil Engineering 2023

Engineers Without Borders: Purdue  |  President
lsparber at purdue.edu  |  (630)360-7292

From: Reddy, Isha<mailto:reddyi at purdue.edu>
Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2022 11:01 PM
To: ewb-list at ecn.purdue.edu<mailto:ewb-list at ecn.purdue.edu>
Subject: EWB-Purdue EWB-EPICS: Week Six


In-Person Lab

Wednesday, September 28th, 6:00-7:50pm


Mid-Semester Deliverables

Mid-semester deliverables are due next Friday (10/1) at 11:59 pm.
Design Documents

The Design Documents are due at 11:59 pm on Friday (9/30).

Anonymous Feedback Form

Here<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdWTpT4SQGv3chjxfMpwYddqVU47yw_DVNRMPK6SmTCFs3JKQ/viewform> is the link to the anonymous feedback form!
Pay Dues

Pay the here<https://www.coolfaces.net/TooCOOLPurdueWL/vECItemCatalogOrganizationItems/OrganizationItemsGallery.aspx?Organization=2991>, otherwise Harish will approach you during lab!

Alumni List

Enter your personal (non-Purdue) emails in this form<https://forms.gle/rDoN2sie2M6dQHKo9/> to be added to the alumni mailing list!

Rwanda Fun Fact

Rwanda is home to 5 volcanoes!

Our Sponsors

Special thanks to our current sponsors Pratt & Whitney and Lippert Components!

Click on their logos & check out their websites for more information about the companies, their causes, and career opportunities.

[Email]<mailto:ewbpurdue7 at gmail.com>

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ewbpurdue7 at gmail.com

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