EWB-Purdue EPICS-EWB: Week 4

Reddy, Isha reddyi at purdue.edu
Tue Sep 13 22:24:26 EDT 2022


In-Person Lab
Wednesday, September 14th, 6:00-7:50pm


Reminder to pay your dues here<https://www.coolfaces.net/TooCOOLPurdueWL/vECItemCatalogOrganizationItems/OrganizationItemsGallery.aspx?Organization=2991>. It is $30 for the year and $20 for the semester.
Homecoming Fundraising Table!
Come table with EPICS-EWB on 9/24 and earn a PDH. If you're interested please fill out this when2meet <https://www.when2meet.com/?16814175-IxY5o> with your availability on 9/24!

PDH Plan
PDH plans are due on 9/17 for returning members!
Club Meeting 9/22
Our first club meeting of the semester will be on 9/22 in ARMS 1103.

Rwanda News

Rwanda's Agric Exports Increase by 44 percent

Our Sponsors

Special thanks to our current sponsors Pratt & Whitney and Lippert Components!


Click on their logos & check out their websites for more information about the companies their causes, and career opportunities.

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