EWB-Purdue EPICS-EWB: Louisiana Project Interest

Sparber, Lauren Jean lsparber at purdue.edu
Tue Jul 5 20:43:01 EDT 2022

Hello everyone,

At the end of the semester Prof Oakes talked to our chapter about an opportunity to work on the Louisiana community center project. A different EPICS team has been working on this project and it will now be transitioning to part of the EWB-USA Purdue chapter. I have attached their final design review slides from last semester to refresh everyone’s memory about the project.

If you are interested, please email me at lsparber at purdue.edu<mailto:lsparber at purdue.edu>. If you have reached out to someone previously, please email me as well so we have everyone’s information. In order to organize and help design leads prepare for the semester, we would like a response by July 20th. Feel free to reach out with any questions!

Thank you,

Lauren Sparber

Purdue University Civil Engineering 2023

Engineers Without Borders: Purdue  |  President
lsparber at purdue.edu  |  (630)360-7292

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