EWB-Purdue EPICS-EWB: Week 4 (S22)

Weber, Jackson Steven jsweber at purdue.edu
Tue Feb 1 10:41:55 EST 2022

[https://mcusercontent.com/593b57fc7fffe72c5b100f338/images/77f9748f-d298-47cf-8b0e-c007bf14fe77.png] <https://epics-ewb.wixsite.com/ewb-purdue>
[https://mcusercontent.com/593b57fc7fffe72c5b100f338/images/39d74070-1367-47e5-86ae-a29d7c6d39ba.png] <https://engineering.purdue.edu/EPICS>
In-Person Lab
Wednesday, February 2nd, 6:00-7:50pm
Snow Plan
Leadership will be monitoring the weather and will make the decision of whether lab will be in person or virtual by 12:00pm on Wednesday. Check Teams for further information to be communicated to you!

Returning Member Survey
Everyone must fill out this survey for returning members<https://forms.gle/awT2vd8AgmfKwaDu7> by lab this week to indicate whether or not you plan to return to EWB next semester.

Reminder to pay your dues here<https://www.coolfaces.net/TooCOOLPUWL/ECItemCatalog/Item.aspx?Item=gnhlt1%2bXW0c%3d>. The deadline is this week. It is $20 for the spring semester, but some of you have already paid for the full year. If you can't remember if you paid for the full year last semester or not, ask Harish.
Next Club Meeting 2/24
Our next club meeting will be held on Thursday February 24th. We will be featuring a guest speaker at this upcoming meeting. Make sure to come out as you are expected to be there!

Notebook Checks At the End of This Week
The TAs will be checking your notebooks for weeks 1-4 at the end of this week and providing feedback in lab next week, so make sure they are up to date!
Rwanda News
[https://mcusercontent.com/593b57fc7fffe72c5b100f338/images/cd43ec72-2046-d7a8-2971-d3f9b8045221.jpg] <https://www.africanews.com/2022/01/31/uganda-rwanda-border-reopens-after-three-year-closure/>
Uganda, Rwanda border reopens after three-year closure<https://www.africanews.com/2022/01/31/uganda-rwanda-border-reopens-after-three-year-closure/>

Our Sponsor
Special thanks to our current sponsor Lippert Components!


Click on their logo & check out their website for more information about the company, their causes, and career opportunities.
[https://mcusercontent.com/593b57fc7fffe72c5b100f338/images/8c9d95f2-a371-4014-a0e0-cdb0b299c00e.png] <https://www.lci1.com/>
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