EWB-Purdue EPICS-EWB: May 2023 Travel Application

Sparber, Lauren Jean lsparber at purdue.edu
Fri Dec 9 10:43:00 EST 2022

Hello all!

Here<https://forms.gle/zw4efjvNrF1JjthT8> is the link to apply for the travel team for the May 2023 implementation trip in Rwanda. The application is due 1/12/23 at 11:59 PM. This is the first Thursday next semester. Interviews will happen at the end of January and selections will be made in the first week of February.

Please note that in order to travel your passport will need to expire more than 6 months after entry into Rwanda. If your passport expires sooner than that, it is a good idea to start the renewal process now.

I would also recommend reaching out to your summer employers and letting them know about your potential of travel. From my experience, people have been very willing to push back start dates for EWB trips.

If you have any questions about the application or travel overall, please feel free to reach out. It is an incredible experience that I can’t recommend enough.


Lauren Sparber

Purdue University Civil Engineering 2023

Engineers Without Borders: Purdue  |  President
lsparber at purdue.edu  |  (630)360-7292

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