EWB-Purdue EPICS-EWB: Week 3

Sparber, Lauren Jean lsparber at purdue.edu
Tue Sep 8 09:57:27 EDT 2020


In Person/Virtual Lab Schedule:
September 9th
In person
September 16th
September 23rd
In person
September 30th
Virtual: design review
October 7th
Virtual: guest speaker
October 14th
In person
October 21st
In person
October 28th
In person
November 4th
Virtual: guest speaker
November 11th
In person
November 18th
Virtual: design review
November 25th
No lab
December 2nd

Leadership, HCD, TAs
ARMS 1101
Chapter Development
ARMS 1098B
ARMS 1098C
Business Development

For in person lab:
1. You MUST wear a face shield and face mask to lab.
2. Everyone will still participate in lab. If you are unable or uncomfortable coming to in person lab you will login to teams at 6 and attend virtually.
3. Everyone will join the general teams call at 6 for PIGS.
4. Everyone must stay in their designated meeting space to make sure we are adhering to Protect Purdue guidelines.
5.  If you are feeling ill, stay home.

**Important: Purdue Day of Giving Wednesday 9/9 (Tomorrow):

1.  Here<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WNI9PmOUIutavskHXBXjEbxgvxyYvGQbxYlybx6Ai70/edit#heading=h.1zczfjuw6j5p> is a complete document containing all the information you will need for PDOG.

2. Send donors to this site:  https://dayofgiving.purdue.edu/

3. Tips on how to spread the word:

  *   Share our social media posts on instagram, twitter, and linkedin or post your own.
  *   Reach out to your friends, family, and interested corporate connections. Templates are included in the PDOG document linked above.
  *   Use the Venmo Bingo Board on your social media to collect small donations. This is also included in the linked document.
  *   Attach the link to donate to your social media bio.
4. Whoever collects the most donations will receive a prize of a free EWB Purdue merch item later in the semester. You must track your donations in the survey provided by the business team in order to be eligible.


1. There will be a skip-a-meal fundraiser at Hotbox on Saturday (9/12)! You can order online or in person. 20 % will go back to our team. See the flier below for more details.

2. Paul will be hosting a Volunteer Village PDH session after lab this week. Please make sure to create an account and associate yourself with our EWB chapter before attending the PDH. This will make it easier for you to follow along.

3. Make sure to pay your dues! You can pay them on the TooCool website.

4. Elections for the new HCD co-lead will be this week. The bios can be found here.<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1F1TVNLZyX51PmFYC8Z2LB3Uqp7xmcQVe51w7FSBRYsM/edit> Cast your vote here.<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScS1wbJXpi7r6pivT7bMxBRSr7trQVE36FtXAdvwTVz_0mllA/viewform>

Bolivia Update:

The La Paz blockades in the news: read about it here. <https://www.lrb.co.uk/blog/2020/september/bolivia-s-roadblocks>

Covid Stats in Boliva: see them here. <https://www.coronatracker.com/country/bolivia/>


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