EWB-Purdue EWB EPICS Election Results

Brooke Abigail Beliles bbeliles at purdue.edu
Sat Nov 28 19:05:39 EST 2020

Hi everyone,

There has been much confusion surrounding our recent election, and we had many votes that came from outside of the club invalidating the first results. That being said, if this was intentional, I am quite disappointed and hope that we do not have this problem again. As most of you have seen via Teams a new election was recast. Below are the results for the officers for Spring 2021:

President: Lauren Sparber
Vice President: Olivia Loesch
Treasurer: Harish Raman
Project Manager: Elizabeth Miller
Technical Team Design Leads: Annie Maloney and AJ Cordes
Human Centered Design Lead: Sylwia Zieba
Business Development Head: Rose Sardina
Chapter Development Lead: Noah Bezanson
New Member Design Lead: Brooke Beliles

Thank you to everyone who voted and congratulations to our new officers!

For those of you transitioning out of leadership roles, please have your transition by this Saturday December 5th at midnight. Please link your transition document and put your meeting time here<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bCOSvcCgW6Tj3Ba-GaEobHtyErudGutgZsSIYNO5avY/edit?usp=sharing>.

Thank you, best of luck during finals and dead week!

Brooke Beliles
Purdue University ’22 | Construction Management
EWB Purdue Chapter President
Shoemaker Cooperative
bbeliles at purdue.edu<mailto:bbeliles at purdue.edu> | 3177710527

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