EWB-Purdue EWB Weekly Email: Week Three

Hollie Irina Maccabee hmaccabe at purdue.edu
Tue Jan 28 21:39:54 EST 2020

EWB Weekly Email: Week Three

Important Annoucements

  *   Our next lab is Wednesday January 29th from 6:00 -7:50 pm in ARMS B098
  *   Epics Members please pay dues through TooCool
  *   The Future Directions Team has been renamed Chapter Development Design Team and will be presenting at the beginning of lab about the team's purpose, focus area and how everyone can be involved.
  *   Elections for Human Centered Design Co-Design Lead
     *   Ballots: https://forms.gle/H14HGn9NE2SFfwWi7<https://purdue.us4.list-manage.com/track/click?u=593b57fc7fffe72c5b100f338&id=868ee17e2e&e=5cbe2cf576>
     *   Description: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GM3WvL6Cq21M8kdqRuK165m5IogcWy1X5boJgINng1k/edit?usp=sharing<https://purdue.us4.list-manage.com/track/click?u=593b57fc7fffe72c5b100f338&id=261ddd8c88&e=5cbe2cf576>
  *   Business Development team will continue taking pictures of each Epics member during lab or you can send a picture to lsparber at purdue.edu.

Bolivian Culture Spotlight

Bolivian Cuisine

1. Saltenas (A traditional pastry): This dish is a classic savory baked empanada with chicken or ground beef along with eggs, potatoes, and peas as the filling usually enjoyed as a mid-morning snack.


2. Chicha de Maní: This is a traditional beverage consisting of a blend of peanut, quinoa, coconut, almonds, and rice, sweetened with sugar.


3. Cuñapé: This is a baked bread ball make of cheese, yucca starch, egg, and milk.  This dish is usually enjoyed with tea or coffee as a snack.

4. Majao (or Majadito): This dish consists of cooked beef and rice accompanied by tomato and onions and served with fried plantains and eggs.


5. Silpancho: This is a famous Bolivian meal that consists of layers of white rice, boiled potatoes, and meat topped with fried egg and salsa.


Flavorverse: The world's best food and travel experiences

Random Purdue Fact Tuesday

Did you know that Orville Redenbacher, founder of popcorn that bears his name, graduated from Purdue in 1928 with a degree in agronomy. [https://gallery.mailchimp.com/593b57fc7fffe72c5b100f338/images/fe50109d-67ab-4a67-86d5-6710f27036e7.jpg]

Don't forget to follow all our social media accounts by following the links below!


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Engineers Without Borders - Purdue Chapter · 701 W Stadium Ave · West Lafayette, IN 47907-2045 · USA

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