EWB-Purdue EWB Week One Weekly Email

Hollie Irina Maccabee hmaccabe at purdue.edu
Tue Jan 14 20:34:54 EST 2020

EWB Weekly Email: Week One
Welcome Back Everyone! I hope you all had a great winter break!

Important Announcements

  *   Our first lab is Wednesday January 15th from 6:00 -7:50 pm in ARMS B098
  *   Call out dates: 1/21 6pm (ARMS 3155), 1/28 6pm (ARMS 1109)
  *   If you have not already, remember to register for EPICS class as soon as possible through myPurdue scheduling assistant
  *    Sign up for Volunteer Village through EWB- USA
     *   Instructions (Link Below): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JGVkLMhohvVm__hglDMi9n2e67cvZP8P6V3NsOTYhcM/edit

Meet the Leadership Team

President: Brooke Beliles
Vice President: Hollie Maccabee
Project Manager: Elizabeth Miller
Treasure: Jack Iannamorelli

Design Teams:
Human Centered Design
Bolivia Technical Team
Business Development Team
Future Directions and Project Adoption Team
New Member Team

Bolivian Culture Spotlight

Evo Morales, regarded as Bolivia's first democratically elected president from the indigenous people, resigned from office on November 10, 2019 after allocations of voting irregularities with voting in the October 2019 election.  Morales served as Bolivia's President for over ten years as a member of the Movement for Socialism party where his administration focused on leftist policies and denouncing imperialist violation of the Andean culture.  Morales has currently set up a base in Argentina where he states he will campaign for his party's next presidential candidate.  Critics of the former president worry that he may attempt to turn to his home country even though he would face criminal charges it he returned.


Crowdfunding Campaign Update!!
Last Semester we raised over $9,000!!

Great Job to everyone on our crowdfunding campaign last semester!

Don't forget to follow all our social media accounts by following the links below!



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