EWB-Purdue Kimley-Horn Information Session

Hollie Maccabee outlook_6B5979C2914427FE at outlook.com
Sat Feb 1 15:38:27 EST 2020

Hello all EWB Purdue students,

Kimley Horn will be hosting an information session on Monday February 3rd from 7:30 – 8:30 pm in Stewart Center 310.  They are expecting EWB students and are very interested in meeting with you.  They will also be attending a career fair on Tuesday February 4th at the CoRec from 9 am – 3 pm.

Kimley Horn is an Private American based planning, engineering and design firm.  This is a great opportunity for students looking for summer internships or entry level college graduate positions especially in civil engineering design.

Please take advantage of this opportunity!



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