EWB-Purdue EPICS-EWB: Week 15

Sparber, Lauren Jean lsparber at purdue.edu
Tue Dec 1 15:44:02 EST 2020


Thank you! We appreciate all the hard work you have done this semester. This semester was full of changes and we appreciate how well everyone adjusted to them. Good luck on your finals and we look forward to seeing you in the spring!


1. This week is design review. Please be online by 6PM and if you are presenting, look professional.

2. Reminder: Here<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VTvYC6Xp_Kv1VIoEXAItFzOWArMbfyKnk2qOHrAGj38/edit> is all the information you need for the end of year crowdfunding campaign including social media templates, pictures, and thank you templates. Also, fill out this<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1zzlRwItbDJJeVrhzBSV33CluvZluwgsLS5Z3qoO9WZg/edit?usp=drive_web> form if you have any connection to a company that might be interested in donating to EWB Purdue.

3.  Election results:
President: Lauren Sparber
Vice President: Olivia Loesch
Treasurer: Harish Raman
Project Manager: Elizabeth Miller
Technical Team Design Leads: Annie Maloney and AJ Cordes
Human Centered Design Lead: Sylwia Zieba
Business Development Head: Rose Sardina
Chapter Development Lead: Noah Bezanson
New Member Design Lead: Brooke Beliles

For those of you transitioning out of leadership roles, please have your transition by this Saturday December 5th at midnight. Please link your transition document and put your meeting time here<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bCOSvcCgW6Tj3Ba-GaEobHtyErudGutgZsSIYNO5avY/edit?usp=sharing>.

4. Please fill out the this survey<https://purdue.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0H8Hv3dnTGhxUBn> about our TAs. The course evaluations do not ask for information about TAs, but getting feedback is critical to our ability to improve and serve teams better in the future. Separate submissions should be made for different TAs one might provide feedback on.

Kaushik should be given feedback by: Leadership, HCD, and CD
Pooja should be given feedback by: Technical and BD
Paul should be given feedback by: Everyone

5. Please log the hours you have volunteered this semster in volunteer village. This is something EWB-USA asks all its members to do periodically and helps them with fundraising, planning, etc. The number can be a rough estimate and the process should take no more than 5 minutes on Volunteer Village. Instructions are here<https://ewb-usa.force.com/VolunteerVillage/s/article/Logging-Volunteer-Hours>.

Deliverables due THIS FRIDAY (12/4) at 11:59 PM:

  1.  Individual Evaluation Rubric-IER (Brightspace):
     *   IER Template can be found on Brightspace in the content page under the "Outcomes Evaluation(s)" Tab.
     *   Read the "IER_Instructions" document and fill out the appropriate IER template for your grade level.
     *   Outline your accomplishments with detail description and explain why you deserve a certain grade. Mention where in your notebook evidence can be found for your work.
     *   Upload your completed IER by submitting to the Assignment "Individual Evaluation Rubric - Final".
  2.  Individual Design Notebook (Google Doc Notebook)
     *   Goals - For Each week, list out your INDIVIDUAL Tasks.
     *   Work & Accomplishments - For each of your Tasks for each week, provide evidence of your INDIVIDUAL efforts.
     *   Weekly Reflections - Based on your efforts (Individual or Team) and experiences over the week, write a reflection following the reflection guidelines.
     *   Notebooks must be complete and up to date till Week 15.
  3.  Semester Reflection (Google Doc Notebook)
     *   Look back at the semester as a whole for this reflection.
     *   Refer to the Reflection prompt on your notebook template for details on themes and topics you can consider to discuss.
  4.  Peer Evaluations (CATME)
     *   To be completed on the CATME website. Check your purdue email inbox for an invitation to the CATME evaluation. Regardless, you may login with your purdue email and password on https://www.catme.org/login/.
     *   Upload proof of completion (a screenshot will suffice) by submitting to the Assignment "Peer Review - Final" on Brightspace.
     *   Give professional and constructive comments on individuals you have worked with. This is to be done for each member in your project team.
     *   If you are not in the Leadership team and have worked with them, please fill this survey to evaluate members of the Leadership team: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=Ob0wQVN8nEGx5YdY1tY_Id9YUJtzeMhDo13PLlMzQlxUOEZaM0ZVWFY4TUVENVpTQkM0QkFUT1czMS4u
  5.  PDH Report for returning or 2 credit EPICS students (Brightspace)
     *   Navigate to "PDH Plan and Report for Returning Students" on the Brightspace Content page.
     *   Download and fill out the "PDH Report Template" .docx.
     *   Submit to assignment named "Personal Professional Development Report" by the deadline.
  6.  Purdue Course Evaluation
     *   Complete Purdue Course Evaluation and submit a screenshot of completion as a Teams direct message to your TA.

  1.  Verify that your attendance and course number (EPCS 1, 2, 3, or 4xx) are correct on Brightspace. (If you find an issue, please let me know.)

Bolivia Update:

Bolivia news: see it here.<https://news.mongabay.com/2020/11/a-million-hectares-ablaze-as-forest-fires-sweep-through-bolivia/>

Covid Stats in Boliva: see them here. <https://www.coronatracker.com/country/bolivia/>


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