EWB-Purdue EPICS-EWB: *IMPORTANT* Design Review Details

Elizabeth Grace Miller mill2289 at purdue.edu
Wed Apr 22 09:02:33 EDT 2020

Please read this email in its entirety.

Design Review is here! During lab, we will be using GoToMeeting and taking attendance through that, so you do not need to log into WebEx.
You will be able to access the room early, so please log on about 5-10 minutes before 6:00p EST with your camera and microphone off.

GoToMeeting Instructions:

URL: https://www.gotomeeting.com/meeting/join-meeting

Meeting ID: 796 116 189

Follow the above link in your browser and then copy and paste the Meeting ID into the input box shown. It may not work the first time, but if you keep trying we haven’t any real issues with it.

The general order of presentations will be as follows: Introductions, Leadership, New Member Design, Business Development, Chapter Development, Questions for CD, Human Centered Design, Questions for HCD, Technical Design, Questions for TD.
Brooke will be sharing her screen as we go through the presentation but here is the link<https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1yYLtDGK0tyTkLXZGTUZqqYPT8v1p48Dh8UIYB-AMDHg/edit?usp=sharing> to the compiled version if you’d like to follow along on your own.

If there are any problems, please reply to this email and we’ll help.

Thank you!

Elizabeth Miller
Purdue University Civil Engineering 2022
Engineers Without Borders: Purdue  |  Project Manager
emiller_2014 at outlook.com<mailto:emiller_2014 at outlook.com>  |  (317)696-3936

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