EWB-Purdue Elected Officers

Amanda M Lefebvre alefebvr at purdue.edu
Wed Nov 13 19:55:26 EST 2019

Congratulations to the newly elected officers!

President: Brooke Beliles
Vice President: Hollie Maccabee
Treasurer: Jack Iannamorelli
Project Manager: Elizabeth Miller
Fundraising Co-Lead: Jonah Zeilinger
Media Co-Lead: Lauren Sparber
Bolivia Technical Co-Leads:
Aditya Pillai
Ethan Byers
Bolivia Cultural Co-Leads:
Ana Zanza
Kathryn Meyers
New Member Design Leads:
Maggie Needler
Project Adoption Lead:
Katie Broderson

Please fill this out when you have had your transition meetings.
Officer Transitions<https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1LNjtAHrXgabUuLcg_ikom6h0605l4wXOAetQuLmtD1c/edit#gid=0>

Amanda Lefebvre

EWB Purdue Chapter President

Civil Engineering | Purdue University 2021

alefebvr at purdue.edu | 815-341-7971

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