EWB-Purdue EWB Bolivia 2019 Travel Team Applications

Shawn Edward Makulec smakulec at purdue.edu
Mon Jan 21 12:37:30 EST 2019

Hey all-- just a reminder to fill out the travel team application by tonight at midnight if you want to be considered for the May trip to Colquechata. If you're unsure about any trip details please look over the application as it contains more info, but feel free to reach out to me or anyone else who has traveled if you have more questions.

Enjoy the rest of your day off from classes!



From: Shawn Edward Makulec
Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2019 9:31 PM
To: ewb-list at ecn.purdue.edu
Subject: EWB Bolivia 2019 Travel Team Applications

Hello all!

Our chapter is preparing for our May 2019 trip to Colquechata, which means it's time to select a travel team.  If you're interested in traveling, please fill out this application<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdHdq_jqMGZrJEQ4UcsRVkY4SP6YWSaJSJgY55oqGD2imQpTQ/viewform?usp=sf_link> by 11:59 PM on Monday, 1/21.  Depending on your responses to the application questions, you may then be asked to meet with the travel team selection committee for an interview.

Please make sure to thoroughly read the application, as there is important information about requirements for team members.  If you have any questions about the selection process or travel details, feel free to reach out to me or any of the students who have previously traveled.


Shawn Makulec

Purdue University 2019

Industrial Engineering

smakulec at purdue.edu
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