EWB-Purdue Weekly EWB Update Email - 10/23/18

Caitlyn Elaine Hopper hopperc at purdue.edu
Tue Oct 23 20:51:45 EDT 2018

Hello everyone!

Our next meeting is tomorrow night, Oct. 24th, from 6:00 - 7:50 pm.


3rd Guest Speaker (TOMORROW NIGHT):
Question list for speaker:
Survey for after speaker presentation:

Purdue Grad School Event:
REQUIRED TO ATTEND - Saturday, Oct. 27th - 8:30 am to 5 pm in Stewart Center

  *   Will earn money for our club with enough attendance
  *   Free entry with Purdue ID
  *   30 minutes of your time
  *   Can apply to Grad School at Purdue for FREE
  *   if at least 10 people from EWB go, we get $125
  *   if we have the most people in attendance, we get another $250

Sign-Up Sheet:

Saturday, Nov. 10th - 2 different time waves - information is in sign up sheet
Sign-Up Sheet:


  *   Coming up soon!
  *   Leadership positions including President, Vice President, Project Manager, Treasurer, Grants Head, Media Head, Fundraising Head, Bolivia Technical Design Lead, Bolivia Cultural Design Lead, New Member Design Lead, and Biogas Design Lead
  *   Ask us if you're interested in any of the above

Potential Business/Marketing Team:

Please contact our Events Head, Ed, or President, Amanda, if you have any special interest in this area!

Best regards,

Caitlyn Hopper

Civil Engineering, Purdue University '21

Phone Number: 765-244-2090

Email: hopperc at purdue.edu
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