EWB-Purdue Weekly EWB Update Email - 11/28/18

Caitlyn Elaine Hopper hopperc at purdue.edu
Wed Nov 28 12:47:04 EST 2018

I apologize. I sent the incorrect link for the EPICS Course Application. Below is the correct link!


Best regards,

Caitlyn Hopper

Civil Engineering, Purdue University '21

Phone Number: 765-244-2090

Email: hopperc at purdue.edu

From: Ewb-list <ewb-list-bounces at ecn.purdue.edu> on behalf of Caitlyn Elaine Hopper <hopperc at purdue.edu>
Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2018 11:13:37 AM
To: ewb-list at ecn.purdue.edu
Subject: EWB-Purdue Weekly EWB Update Email - 11/28/18

Hello everyone!

Our next meeting is tonight, Nov. 28th, from 6:00 - 7:50 pm in ARMS 1109.

If you would like to be removed from this emailing list, please follow this link or email me individually:


New Member Application:


Please fill this out if you are a new member and wish to be added to the EPICS team next semester.

EPICS Course Application:
Please fill out this quick survey if you plan to sign up for EPICS next semester. This list will then be sent to the EPICS office and you will be allowed to sign up for our EPICS lab under the course you choose in the survey.

Design Review:
Design leads and design team members should be preparing for design review as it is coming up, Dec. 5!

Transition Meetings:
Anyone in a leadership/officer position who will not be staying in that position needs to schedule their transition meeting!

Best regards,

Caitlyn Hopper

Civil Engineering, Purdue University '21

Phone Number: 765-244-2090

Email: hopperc at purdue.edu
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