EWB-Purdue Week 3 Email

Riley J Boris boris0 at purdue.edu
Sat Jan 20 15:39:56 EST 2018

Hello everybody!

Next meeting: Jan 22nd 6 - 8 pm in ARMS B098
We will be taking head shots for the website at the meeting so dress well!

In this email:

  *   EPICS Homework
  *   Design Lead Update
  *   Calendar Links

EPICS Homework
First Year EPICS Members
    Watch "Intro to EPICS" video playlist
All members
    Update your notebooks with your work from this week

Design Lead Update
Prepare to update the advisers
Prepare a budget, due week four
Send PIGS to the appropriate recipient

Calendar Links
Here's <https://calendar.google.com/calendar/embed?src=k6adasfa5cutbnmsfkr76qvcuk%40group.calendar.google.com&ctz=America/New_York> the link to the calendar for you guys! Check it for important dates and meeting times.

As usual, please email me if you have any questions!

See you on Monday!

Riley Boris
EWB Vice President
Civil Engineering '20

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