EWB-Purdue Week Five Email

Riley J Boris boris0 at purdue.edu
Fri Feb 2 16:21:51 EST 2018

Hey everyone!

The end of this week marks halfway to halfway there! (Bon Jovi plays in the background)

Next meeting: Feb 5th 6 - 8 pm in ARMS B098

ALL MEMBERS must sign up for at least one volunteer hour a month to sell hot chocolate/lemonade outside of CL50 (link to signup is below), please only sign up for February at this time as dates are subject to change



Volunteer Sign Up<https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wPWpQ2jBs04AcdH1-ORlUPM50OhHVBnznvZ5Iq9tuSk/edit#gid=0>
February February 7th, Name 1, Name 2, Name 3, Name 4, February 8th, Name 1, Name 2, Name 3, Name 4 9: 20-10: 20, 9: 20-10: 20, Emily Ashburn 10: 20-11: 20, 10: 20-11: 20 11: 20-12: 20, 11: 20-12: 20 12: 20-1: 20, 12: 20-1: 20 1: 20-2: 20, 1: 20-2: 20 February 15th, Name 1, Name 2, Name 3...

In this email:

  *   Speakers for next meeting

  *   EPICS Homework

  *   Travel Applications

  *   Design Lead Update

  *   Calendar Links

Speakers for next meeting

We will be hosting speakers from Puno, Peru on Monday to speak on Bolivian culture so come prepared with questions for our guests.

EPICS Homework

All members

Week Four of your notebook should be completed as of now! If it’s not, get it completed ASAP!

First Year EPICS Members

Watch Design Process Lecture on youtube and complete makeup quiz on myEPICS

Returning EPICS members

Make sure you are taking care of your PDHs

Travel Application

Travel applications are now open! If you are interested in being considered for the travel team, please respond to the google survey that you should have received over email on Thursday, Feb 1st. Please let me know if you are interested and cannot locate this email.

Design Lead Update

Remember to send meeting summaries to advisors the day of your design meeting.

Calendar Links

Here's <https://calendar.google.com/calendar/embed?src=k6adasfa5cutbnmsfkr76qvcuk%40group.calendar.google.com&ctz=America/New_York> the link to the calendar for you guys! Check it for important dates and meeting times.

As usual, please email me if you have any questions!

See you on Monday!

Riley Boris

EWB Vice President

Civil Engineering '20

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