EWB-Purdue Final Weekly Email

Riley J Boris boris0 at purdue.edu
Fri Apr 27 19:18:06 EDT 2018

Good evening everyone,



I just wanted to thank all you guys for all the amazing work you did next semester. I know things have been chaotic with our transition to being a hybrid EPICS chapter but the overwhelming success of each team is truly a feat worth noting and appreciating. Good luck to our travel team who will be in Bolivia in just over a week and good luck to you all on your finals!

In this email:

EPICS Course Registration

Design Leads

Calendar Links

EPICS Course Registration

Returning EPICS members have  received course override emails from the EPICS office. Please review the email and attempt to enroll with the CRN provided.

New members override information has been given to the EPICS office. They will give you overrides hopefully next week. You will receive an email that has the CRN you need register for.


If you use Scheduling Assistant but cannot find the CRN, please go to mypurdue.purdue.edu> Registration> Add or Drop Classes> I can’t see the next step but eventually you will be able to search for a class or provide a CRN. Enter the CRN and try to register that way. If you get an error please send a picture of the error to Shawn and Kelsey. If you cannot enroll because you already have 18 credits, you need to get an override from your academic advisor.

Design Leads

Make sure your basecamp to-dos are wrapped up.

Calendar Links

Here's <https://calendar.google.com/calendar/embed?src=k6adasfa5cutbnmsfkr76qvcuk%40group.calendar.google.com&ctz=America/New_York> the link to the calendar for you guys! Check it for important dates and meeting times.

This is my swan song of emails, the next email you will receive will be from my successor, Sean Berry.

As usual, please email me if you have any questions!

Riley Boris

EWB Vice President

Civil Engineering '20

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