EWB-Purdue EWB: Elections Results and Proposed Constitution Update

Shawn Edward Makulec smakulec at purdue.edu
Mon Apr 16 20:58:55 EDT 2018


The executive officers are proposing adopting an updated version of our constitution.  Please look at the changes on this version<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yhmP7PDGB_296Aa0cnQ1sYi-glG0_eU1aZVkdinOsa8/edit?usp=sharing> and be prepared to vote in lab on Monday 4/23.  There are important updates here including a bylaws update on new ways to join the team.  If you have any questions please email the executive officers and ask-- we're more than happy to discuss the changes.

Additionally, the results of our elections are in.  Congratulations to our new officers!  They are:

President:  Shawn Makulec

Project Manager:  Paul Fuchs

Treasurer:  Cindy Jiang

Vice President:  Sean Berry

Grants Head:  Samyu Trikkur

Events/Fundraising:  Amanda Lefebvre

Media:  Anna Rausch

Biogas Design Lead:  Doug Partridge

New Member Design Lead:  Garrett Fehrman

Bolivia Technical Design Lead:  Magaly Mendoza

Bolivia Cultural Design Lead:  Andrea Pegg

Incoming and outgoing officers, please look out for more info on transition requirements in the coming days.


Shawn Makulec

Purdue University 2019

Industrial Engineering

smakulec at purdue.edu
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