Elena Anne Marty van Hove evanhove at purdue.edu
Wed Sep 27 09:18:35 EDT 2017

Hello all,

You may have heard that EWB Purdue will be hosting a Halloween 5K and we need volunteers! The 5K will serve as a fundraiser for our club and a way to publicize our organization in the local community. It will take place on the Purdue campus on Sunday, October 22nd starting at about 8:00 AM. We're looking for 25+ volunteers to arrive around 7:00 AM to set up for the race and then stay through clean up until about 10:00 AM, so that means all hands on deck!

Please fill out the google form below by 5 pm Monday, October 2nd to say you can volunteer or help contact sponsors. We need a list of volunteer names because minors will be participating in the event so SAO will need to approve our volunteers. If you have already agreed to volunteer please still fill out the google form.

More information about the race will be shared soon. Thank you in advance for your help!




Elena van Hove

Purdue University

Electrical Engineering Undergraduate
EWB Purdue President

evanhove at purdue.edu
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