EWB-Purdue EWB General Meeting 3 Summary

Andrew Brinton Lang lang18 at purdue.edu
Wed Sep 28 19:59:19 EDT 2016

Hi Everyone,

This email contains a summary of the (09/28/2016) General Meeting for EWB Purdue


  *   Announcements
  *   T-Shirt Contest
     *   Tentative time to submit 2 weeks from now
     *   Any interest in buying an EWB Purdue Polo
  *   Culture presentation work
  *   EWB 5k
     *   Head: Hannah Fowler
     *   Contact: fowlerh at purdue.edu<mailto:fowlerh at purdue.edu>
  *   EWB Video
     *   Head: Jazlyn Gallego
     *   Contact: gallego at purdue.edu<mailto:gallego at purdue.edu>

If you weren’t in the meeting today that is fine. Here is how you can make a presentation
1) Find some buddies to work with
2) Select a topic.
Topics that are already taken are the titles of the google slides presentations in the folder attached to the link on the bottom of this email.
3)Upload the presentation to the link that I am including on the bottom of the email
3)Have the presentation ready for next week
4) Email me with any questions


The link for example presentations is here:

The link to upload your presentations and already chosen topics are here.

The Powerpoint for the meeting is attached here:

Andrew Lang
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