EWB-Purdue EWB General Meeting 3 Recap

Andrew Brinton Lang lang18 at purdue.edu
Wed Sep 21 20:16:42 EDT 2016

Hi Everyone,

This email contains a summary of the (09/21/2016) General Meeting for EWB Purdue


  *   Answer any unanswered questions about team
  *   Presentation from the Biogas team by EWB Purdue President Seth Lindley
  *   Culture Presentation introduction/team creation.


  *   Look out for emails, Trying to get a process of making documents available to general members
  *   There were two new groups made today
     *   EWB 5k
     *   EWB Video
  *   If you want to be a part of either of these groups points of contact will be established by Sunday Evening
  *   Media Committee meeting Thursday 7:30 in KRACH 148
  *   By next Wednesday we should have an informational packet that can help better explain the projects and its parts

The Powerpoint for the meeting is attached here:

Thank you all for coming out today! Hope to see you next week

Andrew Lang
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