EWB-Purdue EWB General Meeting 5 Summary

Andrew Brinton Lang lang18 at purdue.edu
Wed Oct 12 20:02:31 EDT 2016

Hi Everyone,

This email contains a summary of the (10/12/2016) General Meeting for EWB Purdue.


  *   T-Shirt: Contest due date next Wednesday 10/19/2016
  *   First Social Saturday October 22
     *   See the powerpoint for more details
     *   Camila will be sending a poll to sing up soon
  *   Presentation from Kelsey
  *   Don’t forget to pay dues
     *   Information is in the last side of the powerpoint

  *   The Powerpoint for the meeting is attached here:


If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to me.
Thank you all for coming out today! Hope to see you next week,

Andrew Lang
Purdue University
Student Aerospace Engineering
Purdue Engineers Without Borders | VP
E-mail lang18 at purdue.edu<mailto:lang18 at purdue.edu>
Phone +1-302-463-2343
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