EWB-Purdue EWB Website

Esther Florence Roselaar eroselaa at purdue.edu
Thu Oct 6 00:27:19 EDT 2016

Hi everyone!

I’m the media committee head and we are currently in the process of redesigning our website. The website plays an integral role in our team’s success as it allows for donors, alumni, and other stakeholders an opportunity to see our progress and team. It can also be a resource for current members and for recruiting new members.

We are planning on having a meeting on Thursday night to discuss what exactly we want our new website to look like, and I wanted to give everyone the opportunity to have input. Take a look at our current website by following the link below. Then, brainstorm any ideas (no matter how crazy they may seem) and add them to the Google Doc also linked below. If you could do this by 8:30pm on Thursday, that would be great!

Here is a link to the current website: https://epics.ecn.purdue.edu/ewb/

Here is the google doc where you can put all of your ideas: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZVKZ7zadJDl4v9W9NHDaf61gWU4_JYSKV03R1FI_TW8/edit?usp=sharing

Thanks for your input!

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