EWB-Purdue EWB Election

Andrew Brinton Lang lang18 at purdue.edu
Tue Nov 29 13:57:20 EST 2016

Hi all, I know this is super last minute, but it turns out that we will need a new Events Committee Head for next semester.

Here is a list of responsibilities of the Events Committee Head

In charge of any socials, or events for the upcoming semesters to bring EPICs, and the upcoming general members together.
In charge of callouts and any outreach events such as campus involvement fairs/etc.
Responsible for all apparel sales
Maintains a binder of responsibilities that shall be updated and passed on to the next events head.
Responsible for Scheduling meeting with out-going events head within first two weeks of election.

Other notes
Anybody can run for the position
The term will be for the spring semester of 2017
If you would like to run, please come to the meeting tomorrow and be ready to say a few quick words

Sorry about the super late notice.


Andrew Lang

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