[Ewb-list] EWB Weekly Update - 1/27/2015

Emily P Briggs briggs3 at purdue.edu
Tue Jan 27 21:41:43 EST 2015

Hi Everyone!  

Welcome to all new and returning members!  For those of you who were not able to make it to the call-outs last week, or if you just want a reminder or contact information, I am attaching the presentation to this e-mail.

This semester's first General Meeting:
Date: Wednesday January 28th (tomorrow), 2015
Time: 7:30 PM
Place: Physics 014
Contact: Emily Briggs - briggs3 at purdue.edu

At this week's general meeting we will be welcoming and giving orientation to new members as well as planning out the semester tasks for the new project assessment team.  I hope I can see all of you there! 


Club Dues:
EWB-USA membership:
$30 for year
$25 for semester
Purdue Chapter membership: $20 for year

Contact: Dan Ellinwood - dellinwo at purdue.edu 
*** If you have any questions or are not sure if you are not sure if you owe dues. ***

Each member is encouraged to get involved with one or more design teams.

Design Team Leads:
 - Biogas - Rajah – rtkanaga at purdue.edu
 - Piping – Julie/Evan– jwoodwo at purdue.edu / kinneye at purdue.edu
 - Education – Ana – avalenca at purdue.edu
*** I will go over a description of each team at the General Meeting ***

Design Team Weekly Meetings:
Meeting Time: Sunday - 2PM
Meeting Place: EPICS LAB - ARMS 1098
 - Email the corresponding design leads above so they can know you are coming as the EPICS lab is typically locked to non-EPICS students.

E-mail me if you have any questions!  I look forward to working with you this semester!

Emily Briggs

Junior Chemical Engineering
Purdue University
Vice President of EWB
Purdue Chapter
briggs3 at purdue.edu
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