[Ewb-list] EWB Update - 2/24/2015

Emily P Briggs briggs3 at purdue.edu
Tue Feb 24 12:59:54 EST 2015

Hey Everyone,

Just a reminder there is NO GENERAL MEETING THIS WEEK due to Design Review.

If you are interested in attending Design Review, it is Wednesday 2/25/2015 from 6 PM - 8 PM.  Please e-mail me before tomorrow if you are interested in attending.

For those of you who were unable to attend last week's meeting, Krisli Vasili from Teach for America attended and talked more about how to get involved after graduation.  If you were interested in learning more, feel free to send her an e-mail at: kvasili at purdue.edu

Also, t-shirts should be in by March 4 for those of you who have pre-ordered.

Have a great week!

Emily Briggs

Junior Chemical Engineering
Purdue University
Vice President of EWB
Purdue Chapter
briggs3 at purdue.edu

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