[Ewb-list] EWB Callout Wednesday

Ellen Wright wrigh185 at purdue.edu
Sun Jan 26 21:02:13 EST 2014

Hey all, 

Two things to discuss in the following email - 

1. Instead of our usual weekly meeting, this Wednesday is the EWB callout at 7PM in WTHR 104. There will be pizza, so there's an incentive to come and bring your friends!! Spread the word around and let's pack the room!! And I would recommend coming anyways, because we were planning on discussing some stuff dealing with the project after the callout. We also have a few updates on the club, like dues. Hope to see you on Wednesday at 7PM! 

2. We are opening up the application to apply to travel to Uganda on the preliminary trip. I've attached the application form, so fill that out and submit to Thalib Razi ( arazi at purdue.edu ) by FEB 5TH . The current travel team and alternates do not need to reapply. The trip will be at the end of this semester. We will conduct interviews following and then announce the travel team in the following weekly meeting. Email myself or Thalib if you have any further questions! 

Stay golden, 

Ellen Wright 

Ellen Wright 
College of Engineering, Chemical Engineering '16 

Purdue University 

GEARE Cohort '15 

Ambassador, Engineering Projects in Community Service 

Communications Manager, Engineers Without Borders 

Treasurer , Purdue Outing Club 

wrigh185 at purdue.edu 

(602) 284 - 6120 
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