[Ewb-list] EWB Project Team: document sign up and other notes

Michael J Frank frank7 at purdue.edu
Tue Oct 8 12:11:48 EDT 2013

Hello Project Team,

We are ready to start work on document preparation. This is a long e-mail, but details all steps in the process. 

We are organizing all information in a common dropbox folder. Please go to www.dropbox.com and use the EWB login
E-mail: ewbpurdue7 at gmail.com
Password: engineers2010

Background documents on the project can be found on the main screen of the folder. "501" and "803" are good background to the project.
Additionally, the two links below are for an annotated version of the same 501 form and a slideshow of key points (both of which will be updated over time). 

Please become familiar with all resources before writing and look over my previous e-mail for details on the documents. 

Examples of past documents can be found in the "Old Bolivia Documents Folder."
More explanation on the 521 document can be found in "521-Instructions."
The actual template and sections for 521 are in "521-Template."
All information about 600 and its attachments are in 'HASP' folder. The bulk of 600 is in "600-Health." 

Next, please sign up for a document section to complete. Sign up for as many as you want.


Once a section is completed, please upload to its respective "### Completed Sections" folder in dropbox. Upload the original text (not pdf) file with the naming convention "DocumentNumber_PartNumber(for521only)_SectionNumber(orAttachmentLetter)_initials_MonthDay"
Example: "521_1_5_MJF_Oct09" or "600_A_MJF_Oct09"

Our rough draft deadline is October 23. 

Team meeting time: please fill out this doodle poll so we can choose a meeting time for future project team meetings. We are trying to not conflict with other commitments and our usual EWB meetings. 


CPR and First Aid: if you are interested in traveling for the assessment, please consider signing up for the First Aid and CPR course at the CoRec.
If we get enough people, we can get a discount, so please DO NOT sign up at the CoRec until our count is finalized. 


Wow, that's a lot! We are always trying to provide as much resources as possible. If you have any questions, please email any of the project officers.

Alex Day: daya at purdue.edu
Katherine Schmotzer: kschmotz at purdue.edu;
Michael Frank: Frank7 at purdue.edu

Look forward to seeing everyone at the next meeting. 

Michael J. Frank

Purdue University
School of Mechanical Engineering

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