[Ewb-list] EWB Election Nomination Deadline Tonight

Purdue EWB ewbpurdue7 at gmail.com
Sun Nov 10 11:03:03 EST 2013


With elections rapidly approaching, I just wanted to give you my perspective on my time on the EWB Executive Board. I have been involved with EWB since my freshman year and have served on the Exec board twice: first as the Events Coordinator and now as the VP. Even though EWB demands a lot of my time, I wouldn't have changed anything. Being involved with EWB has actually helped me learn how to manage my time better. Whenever I go to career fairs or have job interviews, they always ask me about my leadership in EWB. I always have something to talk about when recruiters ask, "describe an experience working on a team," or "tell me more about your leadership roles." Lastly, you get to know the other exec board members really well and meet some really cool people in EWB. It's a lot of fun!!

Keep in mind, exec members have an officer's meeting every week before the general meeting, and on top of that other obligations depending on their involvement with the project or committees that they oversee.

Good luck and don't forget to email your nominations to ewbpurdue7 at gmail.com by MIDNIGHT TONIGHT. You can also run for multiple positions. After we receive all the nominations we will send out a list of everyone who is running so you can prepare your speeches for the Wednesday elections.

Krysten Mah
Vice President
Engineers Without Borders - Purdue
Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering
Purdue University '13
mahk at purdue.edu
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