[Ewb-list] Welcome Back

Dalan Andrew Talsma dtalsma at purdue.edu
Wed Jan 16 15:11:40 EST 2013

Hey Everybody!!

I hope everyone has had a good start to the new semester. We will be starting up regular EWB meetings next Wednesday, January 23. Also, we will be trying to use Facebook to do much of the communication within the group, so please join the group. Just search for Engineers Without Borders, and it should be listed under groups within Purdue (not the Engineers Without Borders - Purdue University Chapter group, that one has issues...). We will still be using e-mail to update everybody on events and meetings, but the Facebook page allows for more social interaction and communication within the group.

Also, Facebook makes it a lot easier to get information from the the members of the club. For example, we want to find out who is interested in attending the Global Engineering Design Symposium (GEDS). On Saturday, January 26, 10:00am to 2:30pm (location to be announced), GEP will be hosting the second annual GEDS. External speakers and activities at this symposium will be geared toward preparing you to make the most of your global design experience. In order to provide a greater opportunity for learning and exchange of experiences, this event will also be attended by students involved in Global Design Teams and select EPICS projects. 

GEP would like a rough estimate of those interested in attending so that they can provide enough lunch for everybody. I have posted a survey on the Facebook page, if you are interested in attending PLEASE RESPOND TO THE SURVEY!!!

Good luck with classes!!
Dalan Talsma
President of EWB Purdue Chapter
Phone: 260-435-0425
E-mail: dtalsma at purdue.edu

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