[Ewb-list] End of Semester Notes

cverhoff at purdue.edu cverhoff at purdue.edu
Sun Apr 21 20:49:14 EDT 2013

Hi EWBers,

Thank you to everyone who made it to the meeting and voted last week! The positions were re-elected/filled as follows:

Treasurer: Thalib Razi
Secretary: Jynx Boyne
Events/Fundraising: Emily Briggs
Communications: Chrissy Verhoff

The members chosen to travel on the assessment trip to Uganda were Chrissy Verhoff (hi.), Jynx Boyne, and Katherine Schmotzer. 

A big thank you to everyone who applied for travel and ran for officer positions!! The board has been extremely impressed this semester by everyone's enthusiasm and dedication to the new project, and to EWB as a whole. You guys made this semester an awesome one. 

We will hold a general meeting before the two fall callouts next semester. The callouts will be September 10 and 11, so be on the lookout for an email about the first meeting and the callouts to follow.  

Again, thank you to everyone! We enjoyed working with you this year, and we can't wait to share our experiences in Uganda next semester! We'll definitely have our work cut out for us. Good luck with finals, and have a safe and fun summer!!

Chrissy Verhoff
Communications Manager

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