[Ewb-list] Review of Tonight's Meeting

cverhoff at purdue.edu cverhoff at purdue.edu
Wed Oct 24 21:59:28 EDT 2012

Hi EWBers,

At tonight's meeting, we went over our 5 top options for new projects. These included:
-Tanzania: latrines, school storage space
-Uganda: shallow wells, bore holes
-Uganda: biodigester
-Rwanda: water
-Nicaragua: bridge

At the next meeting, which will be next week, we will review them one more time and have a final vote before we begin completing the applications. 

Also, at the next meeting, start bringing in money for dues. They are $30 per year, or $20 per semester. Thalib will be collecting these. 

And don't forget the Haunted Corn Maze!! It will be this Friday, and we will be meeting at 6:30pm to drive over. I'm sorry about the fail with the privacy settings on the google doc sign up sheet...it is fixed now! Follow the link below:

Chrissy Verhoff
Communications Manager

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