cverhoff at purdue.edu cverhoff at purdue.edu
Mon Oct 22 20:08:43 EDT 2012

Hi EWBers,

Wednesday is the big day! The focus of the meeting will be choosing new projects to work on, and everyone (even new members!) will have a say in our decision. This is a very exciting time to be in the club and a great way to get involved and make our next long-term project your own. Remember that we will be electing leadership positions later in the semester! 

The meeting will be at >>>> 7pm in ME 2063 <<<< (2 floors up the stairwell closest to EE, and to the left).

Let me know if you can't make it to the meeting or have any questions, and I'll see you all Wednesday!

Sara McMullen
Purdue EWB Student Chapter

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