[Ewb-list] General Meeting Minutes

cverhoff at purdue.edu cverhoff at purdue.edu
Wed Feb 29 20:12:25 EST 2012

Hi EWBers,

If you missed the general meeting tonight, the minutes are attached. A few announcements:

This coming Monday (March 5) we've arranged a Skip a meal Plan with Noodles. Noodles will make a donation to EWB for each purchase with the use of a flier. If you would like to help hand out fliers, please email Chloe Heinen at cheinen at purdue.edu. 


Please don't forget to sign up for Boiler Blast! It is a day of campus-wide community service where on student volunteers work on campus beautification or help perform spring chores for residents of West Lafayette. This event will take place on 
                                     SATURDAY, MARCH 31, from 9am-12pm
There is NO COST to sign up, and breakfast and lunch are provided. You also get a FREE t-shirt! 
If you are interested in working on one of our teams with other EWB members, please sign up here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0As52EvnTd4gQdEc0Y3NGcHpSYXNfNE4zb29GQ01ac2c#gid=0 
There are three columns for three possible ten-member teams (which is subject to change), so sign up with whoever you'd like to!


The Wabash Sampling Blitz is coming up! This is where you can sample the water quality stream sites on tributaries draining to the Wabash River and Wildcat Creek. The sampling occurs on
                                           APRIL 13th from 3-5pm
You can arrive as early as 2:30pm or anytime within the sampling window. No training needed - All equipment provided! If you are interested in participating please email me at cheinen at purdue.edu and we can get organize a group to do it together!

There will be three meetings tomorrow:
Events Committee Meeting   6pm    ME 2053
Design Team Meeting        7pm    ME 2053
Community Outreach Meeting 7:30pm ME 1012

Chrissy Verhoff
Communications Manager
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