[Ewb-list] General Meeting Minutes & Upcoming Meetings

cverhoff at purdue.edu cverhoff at purdue.edu
Wed Feb 1 20:58:34 EST 2012

Hello EWBers,

Attached are the minutes from tonight's general meeting. Tomorrow night there will be a Design Team Meeting at 7pm in ME 2061. Anyone interested in working on the HASP (Health and Safety Plan) should also attend, as they will discuss with the design team before heading to a lab to begin writing. Additional meetings are as follows:

Events Committee:    Mon 6 Feb at 8pm in ME 2053
Design Team Meeting: Tues 7 Feb at 7pm in ME 2053
Marketing Committee: Thurs 9 Feb at 7:30pm in ME 2061

Chrissy Verhoff
Communications Manager
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