[Ewb-list] Meetings & Elections

cverhoff at purdue.edu cverhoff at purdue.edu
Mon Apr 9 22:07:54 EDT 2012

Hi EWBers,

Here are the meetings coming up next week:

10 Apr Design Team Meeting 7:00pm ME 1061
12 Apr Design Team Meeting 7:00pm ME 3006

Elections (or a sort of mini-elections) will be held at the general meeting next week, on April 18th. Because a few officers will be co-oping or graduating, the available positions will be president, vice president, and treasurer. If you are interested in running, please email me by the day before elections your name and which position you'd like to run for, so that we have an idea of how many people will be running. If you are running, please be prepared to give a short speech about why you feel fit for the position, and any past experience you may have in EWB and other clubs or activities. If you would like to run but will be unable to attend the meeting, please include in an email a written version of your speech and a picture of you if possible. 

If you are not running for one of the positions on the 18th, be sure to show up and vote!

Chrissy Verhoff
Communications Manager

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