[Ewb-list] Meetings

cverhoff at purdue.edu cverhoff at purdue.edu
Mon Apr 2 23:34:22 EDT 2012

Hi EWBers,

Here are this week's meetings:

Tues 3  Design Team Meeting 7:00pm ME 3006
Wed 4   General Meeting     7:00pm ME 1052
Thurs 5 Design Team Meeting 7:00pm ME 2053

Be sure to make it to the General Meeting if possible, because we will be discussing upcoming elections. We will be having a sort of mini-elections at the general meeting in two weeks, on April 18th, to fill the positions of Treasurer, VP, and President. So please show up this week to find out more!

Another important topic will be fundraising, as we will really need to buckle down and raise as much money as possible before we send the group to Bolivia this summer. Hope to see you there!

Chrissy Verhoff
Communications Manager

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