[Ewb-list] Letter, Announcements, Minutes

Day, Alexander K daya at purdue.edu
Wed Jan 12 01:07:54 EST 2011

Letter to the members:

Hello everybody,

On behalf of the 2010 officers, I would like to thank you for giving us a great year. As we start 2011, the new officers you have elected are also taking on their new responsibilities. 

David Koelle, President; Logan Kearney, Vice President; Pete Rodgers, Treasurer; Laura Chemler, Secretary; and Krysten Mah, Publicity and Events Coordinator will be presiding over club activities during this year. With their leadership, we will continue "Building a Better World."

Best of luck to everyone in the new year and especially to those traveling abroad this semester.


Alex Day
Past President, EWB-USA Purdue Chapter

Announcements from the Vice President:

   Greetings everyone and welcome to the new semester. As you all know we are coming up on some very important deadlines that we need to make. If we are going to meet these deadlines and have a successful trip this summer we will need the support of all of the members. There are things in all areas of the club that need to be worked on so please join us at the meetings. A couple important announcements from the meeting on the 10th. We are looking to change the day of the meeting, please follow the link and fill out the doodle so we can get a good representation of which day would be best for you. The Chicagoland EWB chapter is looking for bodies to go with them on a trip to Honduras, if you are interested get in touch with one of the officers and we can give you more information. Right now our spring callout is scheduled for jan 26th from 6-7PM in CIVL 1144. Please let all your friends know. We are also looking for a new design team leader and we will likely be voting on this in the next meeting. On our meeting on the 10th we were joined by some professional civil engineers who helped us with our design. Thanks to their help we know what we will need to change in our design and the resulting meeting notes are attached. 

Meeting Doodle: http://doodle.com/sbs925ihrg7gfn2p 

                          Thanks for your attention
                          -Logan K. VP
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