[Ewb-list] Building EWB-USA’s Leaders for Tomorrow

Day, Alexander K daya at purdue.edu
Wed Dec 8 12:03:13 EST 2010

From: Engineers Without Borders-USA [mailto:Engineers_Without_Borders_USA at mail.vresp.com]
Sent: Wednesday, December 08, 2010 11:38 AM
To: Day, Alexander K
Subject: Building EWB-USA’s Leaders for Tomorrow




Building EWB-USA’s Leaders for Tomorrow

Dear EWB-USA Supporter,

In Haiti, professional volunteers from Portland, OR are installing a water treatment system that will directly serve up to 12,000 people in need of clean safe drinking water.

In Mexico, students from the University of North Carolina continue to electrify rural Mexico.  To date, they’ve installed 22 solar electric systems that provide light and power to small rural communities.

In Cameroon, University of Pennsylvania students are designing latrines for three schools that are easily maintained and sustainable.  The lack of proper sanitation in the area is so bad right now that the current ratio of student to toilet is 600 : 1.

The common thread among these projects: Engineers Without Borders-USA.

These solutions only need one thing to work - your support.

Industry leaders Google, Turner Construction Company, CDM, CH2M HILL, and our own EWB-USA Board of Directors know the importance of growing strong leaders in our communities, so when you donate<http://cts.vresp.com/c/?EngineersWithoutBord/456a666953/3f0b3fbbad/6034b3c6f4>, they’ve decided to support your donations 100%.

They will match your donation dollar for dollar to help you have the greatest effect on the Emerging Leaders within EWB-USA.

Support Engineers Without Borders-USA<http://cts.vresp.com/c/?EngineersWithoutBord/456a666953/3f0b3fbbad/8fc65bda1b>, and support our leaders of tomorrow.


Catherine A. Leslie, P.E.
Executive Director
Engineers Without Borders-USA


PS – Help build leaders for tomorrow by supporting the Emerging Leaders of EWB-USA<http://cts.vresp.com/c/?EngineersWithoutBord/456a666953/3f0b3fbbad/087c33b0bc>!


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Engineers Without Borders-USA
4665 Nautilus Ct
Suite 300
Boulder, Colorado 80301

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