[Ewb-list] FW: EWB Indiana State Chapter Meeting

Day, Alexander K daya at purdue.edu
Thu Apr 29 23:59:01 EDT 2010

Hi guys,

The Indy Chapter has postponed the meeting Saturday to this Fall.

Alexander Day
President, Engineers Without Borders
Undergraduate Student Aid, Global Engineering Program
Purdue University
Civil Engineering Building, Room 1259
daya at purdue.edu<mailto:daya at purdue.edu>

From: Mike Cline [mailto:MCline at hwcengineering.com]
Sent: Thursday, April 29, 2010 3:01 PM
To: Jeannie Sego; Tim Staub; Day, Alexander K; Giranddz at rose-hulman.edu; bs106 at evansville.edu
Cc: Brian_Brown at URSCorp.com; amoore at vsengineering.com; Andrew Olson; kenneth.rabbers at parsons.com
Subject: RE: EWB Indiana State Chapter Meeting


Looks like we will need to reschedule this State EWB Chapter meeting to this fall. I appreciate all the advance planning work Jeannie and the IUPUI Student Chapter has done to date on this, but the responses seem to show that there are too many conflicting activities going on this weekend to get a good turn-out.

Instead, we will hold a break-out session for the Indiana EWB Chapters sometime during this fall's EWB Great Lakes Workshop - which will be hosted by IUPUI here in Indy November 19th through the 21st.  Many of you will likely be attending anyway and the idea was to have you either come in late that Friday afternoon early and have us do our collaboration for a couple of hours before the EWB Workshop activities that evening (the Indy Professional Chapter will spring for pizzas).  If Jeannie can get a room at IUPUI starting at 5pm - we can roll right into the Workshop activities later that night.  So circle Friday, November 19th on your calendars and bring as many of your chapter members as you can!  We will get out an agenda for that meeting when we get closer to that date.

Also - the USA-EWB has asked me to start having monthly conference calls with all of the Student Chapter Presidents participating once you get back into school session this fall. Most of this will be to pass on news from the Region and National and see what your Chapters issues or needs may be.  Please let me know who your Chapter officers will be and their contact info starting in September if it is not you folks.

Apologies for the re-schedule.  I look forward to seeing all of you this fall, if not sooner

Mike Cline
EWB Indiana State Rep

Michael R. Cline, P.E., D.E.E.
Vice President
Director of Engineering Operations
Hannum, Wagle & Cline Engineering
151 N. Delaware Street, Ste. 800
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Phone: (317) 347-3663
Fax: (317) 347-3664

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From: Mike Cline
Sent: Monday, April 12, 2010 11:20 AM
To: 'Jeannie Sego'; 'Tim Staub'; 'Day, Alexander K'; 'Giranddz at rose-hulman.edu'; 'bs106 at evansville.edu'
Cc: 'Brian_Brown at URSCorp.com'
Subject: RE: EWB Indiana State Chapter Meeting

Here is the agenda for the State Chapter meeting:

10am - welcome and Chapter Introductions

10:15am to 10:45am - EWB Knowledge Game

10:45am to 11am - Presentation by the Indianapolis Professional Chapter as to how they can assist the State Student Chapters, including providing professional mentor needs

11am to 1pm - session with discussion broken out  by student chapter officer positions over lunch.  We will also show an EWB-USA video or power point during lunch (pizza's brought in)

1pm to 2:15pm - Chapter Project Presentations

2:15pm to 3:15pm - discussion on the Fall Great Lakes Workshop (The IUPUI EWB Student Chapter is the host this year), fund-raising ideas, grant-letter writing and other general chapter idea sharing.

Michael R. Cline, P.E., D.E.E.
Vice President
Director of Engineering Operations
Hannum, Wagle & Cline Engineering
151 N. Delaware Street, Ste. 800
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Phone: (317) 347-3663
Fax: (317) 347-3664

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From: Mike Cline
Sent: Monday, April 12, 2010 10:50 AM
To: 'Jeannie Sego'; Tim Staub; Day, Alexander K; 'Giranddz at rose-hulman.edu'; 'bs106 at evansville.edu'
Cc: Brian_Brown at URSCorp.com
Subject: RE: EWB Indiana State Chapter Meeting

Folks - the meeting start time has been pushed back to 10am on Saturday May 1st at the IUPUI Campus here in Indianapolis and we will have everyone on the road headed home by 3:30pm that day.  Could you let Jeannie and I know if anyone from your chapters could attend this meeting?


Mike Cline
Indiana EWB State Rep

Michael R. Cline, P.E., D.E.E.
Vice President
Director of Engineering Operations
Hannum, Wagle & Cline Engineering
151 N. Delaware Street, Ste. 800
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Phone: (317) 347-3663
Fax: (317) 347-3664

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From: Jeannie Sego [mailto:jsego at umail.iu.edu]
Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2010 12:59 PM
To: Giranddz at rose-hulman.edu; rhartzog at purdue.edu; Tim Staub; Day, Alexander K
Cc: aneidigh at purdue.edu; bbobich at dbengineeringonline.com; brown440 at iupui.edu; Carl_Anderson at concentra.com; chharvey at iupui.edu; dasisson at iupui.edu; deckerk at iupui.edu; drhoward at iupui.edu; dwgoodma at iupui.edu; egbourge at iupui.edu; htheriac at iupui.edu; jwager at iupui.edu; krambo at iupui.edu; lmcalles at iupui.edu; meyeramm at iupui.edu; pajamers at umail.iu.edu; rdforres at imail.iu.edu; robertpe at purdue.edu; samstone at iupui.edu; Angel Rodriquez; Carmen Szczesiul; Edgar Torres; Edwin Marrugo; Mike Cline; Monaghan, John Michael; Popovicova, Jarmila; R. Adam Hooker
Subject: EWB Indiana State Chapter Meeting

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to let you know Mike and I decided to move the EWB Indiana State Chapter Meeting to Saturday, May 1st at 9:00 a.m.  There will be a EWB Knowledge Contest, in which the winning chapter will receive $100, donated by Hannum, Wagle & Cline Engineering.

I will send an email closer to the date with more details.

Have a wonderful day,

Form follows function - that has been misunderstood. Form and function should be one, joined in a spiritual union.
-Frank Lloyd Wright
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