[ESW] Tailgate Recycling TODAY!!

Cassidy M Brown brow1184 at purdue.edu
Sat Oct 20 12:31:30 EDT 2018

Hi everyone!

Late notice but if you would like to do tailgate recycling today you still can. If you volunteer you get free food, a free shirt if you don't already have one, and a ticket to tonight's game!!! The Ohio State game is likely going to have the highest attendance yet so recycling inside AND outside the stadium is key. There are two ways you can help out today.

If you would like to volunteer before the game during the tailgate, come to the Tailgate Recycling HQ tent between 5:30-5:45. There's a map of where the HQ tent is below. (its behind Owen and Ford)

You can also volunteer for half or all of the game inside the stadium! If you would like to do this, come to the Tailgate Recycling HQ tent between 6:45-7:00. Again, there's a map of where the HQ tent is attached. (behind Owen and Ford)

Thanks in advance for all your help! If you end up going say you are here with ESW. If you have any questions ask me or Christian (ccambron at purdue.edu)

Woo! Go Boilers!


Cassidy Brown

Purdue University 2019 | Environmental & Natural Resources Engineering

Engineers for a Sustainable World | Secretary

Panhellenic Association |  Director of Recruitment Logistics
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