[ESW] Engineers for a Sustainable World CALLOUT TONIGHT

Christian D Cambron ccambron at purdue.edu
Tue Aug 28 09:20:17 EDT 2018

Hello all!

We will have the Engineers for a Sustainable World callout and first general meeting TONIGHT at 7:30 in BRNG 1230!

We will introduce officers, give further information about our organization, and hit the ground running with events coming up quickly, most notably Tailgate Recycling. Returning members are welcome!

If you cannot make it to the callout, but are interested in getting involved, contact me directly or email purdueesw at gmail.com. We can add you to the GroupMe for more immediate updates. Otherwise, we'll keep the information coming through these emails.

We look forward to seeing everyone tonight!

Christian Cambron

Purdue University Class of 2020

Bachelor's Candidate for Environmental and Ecological Engineering & Spanish Language and Culture

Purdue Exponent, Assistant Campus Editor

Engineers for a Sustainable World, President

ccambron at purdue.edu
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