[ESW] Trash Audit

Olivia K Steele osteele at purdue.edu
Tue Apr 21 10:07:04 EDT 2015

Hey guys,

I hope you're having a great Earth Week and taking advantage of all the events happening this week. I want to remind you that the trash audit is this Thursday, and we still need volunteers! Please sign up if you have a break in your classes and stop by whenever you can. This event will be much more fun with more people. Here's the link to sign up once again: 


Also, I will need some help making some of the signs we talked about. Please email me if you can make:

-A flier of recycling facts to hang up (specifically some of it should be about the sustainability of recycling vs. virgin materials debate)
-A flier of trash facts to hang up
-A flier of composting facts to hang up
-A flier about the biodigester
-Or if you have another idea about some information we should make available during this high visibility event

This is a flier we made last year that we can use for this as well: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0TMODBvPOdmSmZld0trRWt6NnM/view?usp=sharing

Thanks guys and be sure to check out the Earth week activities,

Olivia Steele
Community Service and Events Coordinator
Engineers for a Sustainable World

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