[ESW] Pre-Callout Exciting Event

Elizabeth Leigh Geller egeller at purdue.edu
Tue Sep 2 23:48:14 EDT 2014

Hello ESW Members, 

The Purdue University Director of Sustainability has invited Engineers for a Sustainable World members to partake in an exciting sustainability event this Saturday, September 6th. The event will take place at the Purdue home football game in Ross-Ade stadium, where we will be assisting patrons to separate their compostable cutlery and dishware from their non-compostable materials. The approximate times for the event are 11am-4pm, exact times soon to come. The corporate sponsors for this event will be in attendance, as well as the Director of Sustainability, making this event a great networking opportunity as well.  

Please email Elizabeth at egeller at purdue.edu as soon as possible, and no later than Thursday night, if you are interested in attending this event. 

Thank you,

Elizabeth Geller
President, ESW-Purdue 
School of Chemical Engineering
Purdue University 
egeller at purdue.edu 

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