[ESW] Build Session This Weekend

Elizabeth Leigh Geller egeller at purdue.edu
Thu Jun 12 22:03:59 EDT 2014

Hello ESW Members, 

Please join us this weekend in West Lafayette for our build session to construct the solar-kiosk. See important details below for location, date, time, and what to bring. The weather will be nice out, so we are going to build outside by the engineering fountain. Many of us will be there for the full session, but if you cannot come for the entire duration please come for as long as you can. We'll also be going out to dinner after the Saturday session, we'll discuss which restaurant we want to go to while we build. Please let me know if you have any questions, I'm looking forward to seeing you there! 

Location: Engineering Fountain, Purdue University Campus
Date: Sat. 6/14 and Sun. 6/15
Time: 1-5pm Sat., 1-3pm Sun.
Bring: Safety glasses, any construction tools like hammers, screw drivers, etc. 

Not quire sure what the solar-kiosk is? Check out the details on our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/ESWPurdue

See you this weekend,


Elizabeth Geller
Undergraduate Student 
School of Chemical Engineering
Purdue University 
egeller at purdue.edu 

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