[ESW] ESW upcoming events

Olivia Kay Steele osteele at purdue.edu
Mon Apr 7 19:18:24 EDT 2014

Hey everyone! 

I hope everyone is enjoying the beautiful weather! We have several exciting events coming up this week. For everyone, going on the ESW Nationals trip, make sure we have your name and contact me with any questions, so I can put you through to the right people. 

Wednesday, April 9 - ESW General Meeting 

• We will be in ME 1051 at 6 PM. Come check out what everyone has been up to and connect with your friends. 

Friday, April 11 - Wabash Sampling Blitz 

• This is a great service opportunity for us. The Wabash River Enhancement Corporation is a local conservation group. We will be going out to a stream site and doing basic water testing to add to their data-base. We sign up as a group, so please let me know ! You can check out more information here . Also, let me know if you can drive. 

Friday, April 11-13 - ESW National Conference! 

Wednesday, April 16 - Final Student Sustainability Council 

• This is the last chance to check out the council this year. They will meet at 5:30 and holding elections for officer positions. 

Wednesday April 23 - ESW Party! 

    • This will be our last general meeting at 6 pm . We're going to have ELECTIONS and food and enjoy the last bit of freedom before dead week and finals week. Hopefully weather will be nice, and we'll move ourselves out to the lawn to play some games. Also, Engineers Without Borders might be joining us to brainstorm for next year and celebrate what we have accomplished. 

Friday, April 25 - Friday Night Lights 

• Join the Sustainable Mindset team to turn off lights in campus buildings and get free Chipotle at 6:30 . If this date doesn't work for you, you can sign up for any Friday for the rest of the school year. The link for sign up is here . 

Saturday May 3 - Anaerobic Digester Field Trip 

• If you have ever wondered what happens to the leftover food from Purdue's dining courts, come join the Sustainable Mindset group from 12-1:30 PM as we tour the plant. Contact Elizabeth at egeller at purdue.edu if you would like to join us. 

Please let us know by Wednesday if you are interested in running for an officer position. The positions are President, Vice President/Project Manager, Treasurer, Fundraising Officer, SSC Representative, and Community Service and Events Coordinator. 

Good luck on exams and see you soon! 

Olivia Steele 
Community Service and Events Coordinator 
Engineers for a Sustainable World 
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