[ESW] Events

Olivia Kay Steele osteele at purdue.edu
Wed Oct 30 15:09:24 EDT 2013

Hey all! 

Here's some events coming up in the future you should come to! 

Nov 1-3: ESW Conference THIS WEEKEND! 
If you're interested in going to the ESW Conference in Pittsburgh this weekend, email Calvin at calvinholic at gmail.com 

Nov 1: Volleyball THIS FRIDAY!! 
If you're not going to the conference, come to Purdue Volleyball goes up against Minnesota. Get your tickets and come meet us next to the Armstrong Statue at 6:30 and we'll walk over together. Purdue actually wins these things! Let us know if you're coming by emailing me at osteele at purdue.edu so we know to wait for you. See you all there! 

Nov 11: General Meeting 
Mark it in your calendar! 6:30 pm 

Nov. 16: Winterization 
Come participate in this awesome service project! Last year there were somewhere around 800 Purdue students involved! Go here to register and choose Engineers for a Sustainable World as your group. Also, let us know if you are planning on attending, so we can make sure we have cars and such. We will meet at 7 and eat a delicious breakfast, head out to serve some West Lafayette residents who need help getting their houses ready for winter, and come back for delicious warming lunch. All done by about 1:30 pm. It's so much fun, and, bonus, around four hours of community service if you need that for learning community, class, or other clubs. 

Nov 22: Friday Night Lights 
A new project is sweeping campus thanks to the Sustainability Council (a group made up of members of the green clubs on campus). So far, 5,704 lights have been turned out across campus. The idea is we meet on a Friday evening, choose a few buildings to target and try to turn off as many lights as we can. The Council is keeping close track of how many we're able to turn off and hopes to present the data to President Mitch Daniels at the end of the year. Penn did this and saved something like $4,000 a semester in energy costs. November 22 is our official day, but you are welcome to sign up to help out any Friday on the list. The first 50 people get burritos! You can learn more here and sign up here . 

See you at all of these! 

Olivia Steele 
Community Service and Events Coordinator 
Engineers for a Sustainable World 

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